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What should be high-quality bathroom furniture

The bathroom ceased to be a purely functional room and again acquired the status of a full-fledged residential space, which should be attractive from aesthetic point of view. An important role in the design of a modern bathroom is played, of course, furniture. But with all the richness of the range, choose the optimal set of bathroom furniture is not so easy. The fact is that the products of leading European manufacturers are not designed for the bathrooms of small sizes. In this regard, high-quality furniture from the manufacturer uses specially popular among most domestic consumers. The main advantage of this furniture is that it is made according to individual sizes. Ergonomic corpus structures are as adapted as possible under the bathroom. Master's measurement is made in accordance with such important aspects as the size of the room, its form, as well as the location of the risers, irregularities of walls and gender, etc.

Cabinet furniture for the bathroom gives ample opportunities for building a living space in the bathroom, taking into account its individual characteristics. The advantage of modular furniture lies in the fact that the room depending on the size can be furnished with such objects as a mounted cabinet, cabinet, cabinet, cabinet, racks, lockers and even stuffing or tables. The optimal storage system in the bathroom is a narrow cabinet penalty. It does not occupy a lot of useful space, but at the same time it contains quite a few objects. It can be suspended or installed on legs or directly on the base. Owners of spacious bathrooms offer comprehensive solutions with an ideally selected combination of ceramics, furniture and accessories.

One of the important criteria for choosing furniture for the bathroom is the material from which it is made. Most often, the furniture for the bathroom is made from wood materials - chipboard and MDF. MDF panels, which are extruded paper impregnated with a special water repellent composition, were originally designed to operate in rooms with elevated moisture levels. To increase the level of waterproof in the MDF panel, primer is applied (in most cases, polyurethane, which is considered the most waterproof). Then the MDF plate is coated with several layers of glossy enamel, due to which they become resistant to moisture, abrasion and mechanical damage.

Bathroom furniture can be made of natural wood - Copetong, Kumaru and Tika massif, it is also possible to use objects of a bamboo. It is also possible to manufacture it not from an array, but from panels compressable from several layers of vertical and horizontal sections. Their surface is impregnated with special water repellent compositions. Furniture made of wood should be installed only in large bathrooms (more than 10 sq.m.) with a good ventilation system or window. Otherwise, as a result of a long contact with steam and moisture, it will quickly deteriorate. What is ego casino australia ? What kind of bonuses, games and how to withdraw money.
